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ATAE Chairman's Message



Greg Remensperger, Profile Picture, 150x150

Greg Remensperger

2022 ATAE Chairman

It’s an honor to serve as your 2022 ATAE Chairman. Although I hold the title, my term is not about me, rather about you and all our members. I see my role as keeping a firm hand on the wheel, eyes down the road and a foot on the gas.  

In my early days at OADA, nearly two decades ago, I leaned on my fellow ATAEs for ideas, inspiration, and support.  Over the years, those acquaintances have blossomed into not just professional relationships, but true friendships. Together we make each other better, and I am counting on your continued guidance and support.  

The challenges at hand are daunting, but I believe we have the right industry leadership, and the right resources, to tackle them.  ATAEs will continue to lead the way on the pressing issues of our time, like data management and security, a smart national transition to electric vehicles, and ensuring that the state franchise system is preserved for our members and their consumers.  We will also continue to play a leading role in the evolution of modern-day auto shows, and the communication that is critical to demonstrating their value.

I truly feel the relationship between ATAEs and the NADA leadership is powerful and continues to grow. The groundwork that was accomplished by previous Chairman has us in a good position to accomplish the needed tasks at hand. 

Mine is a big tent, and I look forward to working with all of you on these critical issues, and any others that come our way.  I can’t thank you all enough for your confidence in me, and your continued support. I hope you will reach out to me any time you have ideas, suggestions or just need to bounce ideas off a fellow ATAE. My door is always open and my phone is on for your calls.

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