Warning: Exhibitor Scams

NADA Exhibitors are frequently targeted by companies unaffiliated with NADA, offering attendee lists from the "NADA Show 2024" and/or variations on the NADA name or logo. Please be aware that these companies have nothing to do with NADA or the NADA Show. The attendee mailing lists for the show are only available directly from NADA and all confirmed exhibitors have access to those lists.
Please use caution when dealing with solicitations from companies that are not on the list of Official NADA Contractors.
Also, avoid imposter or scam websites claiming to provide housing services on behalf of NADA for the 2024 NADA Show. Maritz is the only official housing provider, and can only be accessed via NADA official Show site via www.nadashow.org. Also be aware of email or other communications from vendors and contractors offering assistance in the host city. These communications may wrongly suggest that the company is endorsed by or connected with NADA. If you have any questions, contact us.
Privacy of Exhibitor Contact Information
Please be advised that NADA does not release or sell Exhibitor Lists or contact information to anyone and only provides this information to the Show's Official Contractors to inform Exhibitor of Expo related services. Solicitations from unofficial vendors are often the result of obtaining public information available on the internet. Don't get Scammed!
For additional information or questions, contact the NADA Show Expo team at 703.821.7141 or expo@nada.org
Stay Informed - Check Your Spam Filter
The Expo team sends Expo Updates containing important information, deadline reminders and Show updates to Exhibitors through a third party email service provider.
If your email account is managed in a corporate environment or on an organizational level, please forward the domain names below to your email accounts administrator (usually your IT department) and ask that these domains and addresses be white-listed in your organization-wide email settings. Additionally, certain individual recipients may have a layer of message filtering set up beyond the ISP level. In order to ensure emails regarding NADA Show reach your inbox, you should ensure that emails from the following domain names are also white-listed in your email account's settings. This protects important emails from being filtered into your junk mail folder.
Future NADA Shows
- 2026 – Las Vegas, February 3-6 (Tuesday-Friday)
- 2027 – Orlando, February 17-20 (Wednesday-Saturday)
- 2028 - Las Vegas, March 7-10 (Tuesday-Friday)
Expo Contacts