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NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Commitment to Combating Fear and Racism

The last year has seen a significant spike in hate crimes against members of the Asian, Pacific Islander and Asian-American communities. The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) vehemently condemns anti-Asian violence and xenophobia, and stands in solidarity with and support of the Asian and Asian American communities. Hatred has…
NADA | Tailored Training

NADA Dealership Fundamentals

Introduces the basics of dealership operations. Learn to track a vehicle from the time it is purchased from the OEM to the time it leaves the dealership, then understand what happens to the customer’s trade-in and the differences in dealing with new- and used-vehicle inventories. Covers all dealership departments, and looks at how various actions…

Vehicle Financing

Regulatory compliance issues regarding dealer-assisted financing.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Dealership EV Sales Quintupled Between 2020 and 2022

Local dealerships are essential in selling and servicing electric vehicles (EVs) – and the numbers back it up. Wards Intelligence data shows that dealerships sold nearly five times as many EVs in 2022 as they had in 2020. And the projections for 2023 anticipate another big leap. The first three months of 2023 have already seen a 60 percent…

Congress Repeals Obsolete Insurance Booklet Mandate at Dealerships

WASHINGTON (Dec. 21, 2012) - Senators approved today a bipartisan bill, H.R. 5859, which eliminates an unnecessary mandate that requires new-car dealerships to keep an obsolete insurance booklet on hand or face a hefty fine. The legislation, endorsed by the National Automobile Dealers Association, passed the House in late July and now…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Academic Report Proves GAP Protection is Valued by Consumers

For consumers across the country, Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) can be a vital lifeline should their vehicle be stolen or totaled after an auto accident.
NADA | NADA Headlines

The Solution For Reaching Dealership Decision Makers

Nearly every day, someone asks how they can effectively communicate a message to the nation’s dealership community. It’s not an easy task. With thousands of businesses that have ideas and products that can help streamline and improve various dealership goals and objectives, it makes sense, though, that this is a priority. But dealership…
NADA | Workshop

Growth Hacking Your Dealership

In this workshop, you'll explore an entirely new methodology for training and coaching that will maximize impact, dramatically improve skills development, and get your most effective leaders on the front lines, where they are desperately needed. Recorded on January 26, 2023.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Local SEO: Get Your Dealership Found

Did you realize that there are actually two kinds of SEO? When most people talk about SEO, they're talking about “traditional” SEO, where you're doing things to a website to get it to show up at a higher ranking when someone does a search in Google. With local SEO, you're only working to get a website to show up in search for a specific geographic…
