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ATD | Chairmans Column

What Mardi Gras & The Truck Industry Have in Common

What do Mardi Gras, NADA’s centennial celebration and I all have in common? We all have a connection to the city of New Orleans, where the biggest celebrations take place. And whether you had the fortune to experience NADA’s 100th anniversary in 2017 or this year’s Mardi Gras in the Big Easy, those of us in the commercial truck industry should…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Debunking the Auto Loan Delinquency 'Crisis'

You need a license to drive, a license to surgerize, a license to anesthesize … why don't you need a license to statisticize? I guess because lying with statistics is as American as motherhood and apple pie. And lying (or twisting the truth) is exactly what some people are doing with the Fed's recently released data regarding auto loan…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Happy International Women’s Day to all #WomenInAutomotive

Today is about celebrating women! And one of the best ways we can celebrate ourselves is to exercise self-care and maintain a good work/life balance. Prioritizing our health and well-being—especially for women—is not always easy. We’re not just employees and business owners; we’re also mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and we fulfill many roles…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Market Beat: U.S. Light-Vehicle Sales Down 2.5%

Through February, new light-vehicle sales were down 2.5% compared to this time last year. The monthly SAAR of 16.53 million units represented the lowest monthly SAAR since February 2015. The crossover segment continued to make major gains, ending the month with almost 40% market share year-to-date. Sales in the first two months of the year have…
NADA | NADA Headlines

‘Share the Love:’ How NADA 20 Group Helped This Subaru Dealership Save $4 Million

Heuberger Subaru in Colorado Springs, Colorado has been the leading seller of Subaru cars in the nation for 10 years running. So why did this successful dealership need the help of NADA’s 20 Group consulting services? 20 Groups are a group of 20 dealers of the same size and same brand but they don’t compete against each other, NADA 20 Group…
NADA | NADA Headlines

The Automotive Forum Returns to NYC on April 16

Top executives from Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Mitsubishi and Genesis and others are slated to speak at the forum. The 2019 Automotive Forum – held on the eve of press days at the New York International Auto Show – returns to the Grand Hyatt in midtown Manhattan for a full day of speaker presentations and panel…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Where do Obsolete Parts Come From?

In earlier posts we discussed the damage that occurs when obsolete parts slither onto your shelves, like snakes, eating your profit, chasing away your best techs, poisoning your CSI and [diminishing] your vehicle sales opportunities. So how did those obsolete parts get onto your shelves? Surely, you didn’t put them there on purpose. Your…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Steering the Next Generation of Service Technicians

Over his 30-year career, Nick Latino has held just about every job in the service division of a new-car dealership, from porter to service advisor to service manager. “It’s good to know every position so when you’re managing someday, you know exactly what to expect from that individual,” said Latino, fixed operations director at Toyota Hackensack…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Cleaning Up Obsolete Parts: Turn Loss to Profit in Three Moves

So. You've awakened to the fact that you have an obsolete parts problem. It’s pushing your expenses up, your productivity and profit down, and driving your best techs away. It erodes your CSI and eventually damages your ability to create repeat vehicle sales. (See our earlier post How to Sabotage Repeat Vehicles Sales in Seven Steps.) You know you…
NADA | Chairmans Column


It’s time we stop thinking of NADA simply as an organization we belong to. If you are part of NADA, it’s not just a membership; it’s a badge of honor. Because all of us are, in fact, NADA. One NADA: it’s a mantra that I want you to remember this year. As dealers, we embody powerful traits. But as one association, these…
