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NADA | Webinar

The Modern Day F&I Office

In this webinar, Jason Swiech, Product Marketer for F&I solutions at CDK Global, will explain how modern retailing strategies are extending to F&I and how to combat these changing consumer behaviors while ensuring dealers keep their workflows – and revenue - stable.
NADA | Webinar

Building a Post-pandemic Car Dealership Using Simple Tech

Join Kimoby’s Customer Success Director, Julie Blackburn, and Sales Director, Anastasia Gileva, as they discuss how text messaging can help car dealerships mitigate the impact that the pandemic has had on their businesses and find ways to identify new ways to protect their bottom lines.
ATD | Webinar

Positive Mindset: Passing the COVID-19 Stress Test

Join Ray Grapsy, ATD 20 Group Consultant, and Tom Bagwell, Executive Vice President at Peterson International Trucks, as they discuss what processes truck dealers need to focus on in the future along with how best to approach those processes to gain strategic advantage.
NADA | Webinar

The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020: Impact on the Use and Forgiveness of Loan Proceeds

NADA’s Andy Koblenz and Doug Greenhaus review the PPP Flexibility Act and reference key rules and guidance from the SBA and Treasury, with a special focus on loan forgiveness application materials.
NADA | Webinar

The Best Ideas from NADA 20 Groups, Part 6: In Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

Join NADA 20 Group Dealership Management Consultant, Tim Gavin, as he reviews some of the new best ideas from the NADA 20 Groups during these unprecedented times.
NADA | Webinar

The Future of Dealer Technology: Leading Innovation in Automotive

Join Mike Trasatti, CEO at DealerBuilt, to learn how forward-looking dealers are developing a short- and long-term technology strategy that will enable them to deliver a superior customer experience, optimize their spend on enterprise technology, and drive alignment and continuity across their organization.
NADA | Webinar

Preparing Your Parts Department For After COVID-19

Join Andreas Ronneseth of RevolutionParts and Garry Ricci of Quality Dealerships for a discussion about digital parts commerce and how it can help dealerships during and after a crisis.
NADA, ATD | Webinar

The Best Ideas from NADA 20 Groups, Part 4: In Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

Each week NADA 20 Group Consultants are continuing to support their dealers by sharing policies, processes, personnel and financial best practices via group conference calls. Join NADA 20 Group Dealership Management Consultant, Tim Gavin, as he reviews some of the new best ideas from the NADA 20 Groups during these unprecedented times.
NADA, ATD | Webinar

Proactive Recovery: Comprehensive Planning for Re-Opening Your Dealership

Join Mastermind Senior Manager of Partner Performance Ian Grace as he shares his comprehensive approach for re-opening your dealership, detailing the specific and actionable measures you can take right now to plan for future success.
NADA, ATD | Webinar

One-Size-Doesn't-Fit-All: A Robust Strategy for Your Paid Social Media Campaigns

Join Dane Saville, Co-founder and Brand Manager of Reunion Marketing, for this webinar that will guide dealers through setting up robust Facebook campaigns using Facebook's targeting, building audiences, and leveraging their actual inventory on the lot.
