ATD is constantly working to advance the interests of our truck dealer members and to strengthen the commercial truck industry as a whole. I’m proud to announce that we are in the process of developing an innovative three-year Strategic Plan and a three-year ATD Show Plan to move ATD forward with direction and input from our truck dealers. Our planning work over these few months culminates at the ATD board meeting held this week in Dallas, Texas.
We embarked on this strategic phase thoughtfully and with due diligence to research. ATD’s first step was to hire a renowned consultant, John Capano, to guide us through this process. The consultant helped us release a brief online survey to ATD members in September. The goal was to gauge our current demographics, get input on the latest industry trends, and gather responses on ATD initiatives and the overall missions of our association. All responses remain anonymous, and no names or individuals are identified. I’d like to thank all truck dealers who participated in this important survey. Your voice is being heard and we’re working hard to build a plan that addresses your needs and concerns during these rapidly changing times.
ATD also performed individual outreach to dealers. Our consultant interviewed several truck dealers to get an in-depth understanding of current business dynamics and the challenges affecting truck dealer owners today. After results were obtained, meetings were held with committees comprised of our board members, with each group addressing core strategic topics.
Our hard work has culminated into this week’s strategic planning sessions which are taking place in conjunction with the ATD Board of Line Representatives meeting in Dallas. ATD leadership is dedicating a day to discuss new initiatives and the implementation of our association’s vision for the future and to develop a path forward for our ATD Show. Our ultimate goal this week is to have enough input from our truck dealers so that we can finalize our new Strategic Plan and ATD Show Plan.
I’m proud to help lead this effort as the truck dealer business is more complex than ever. We need to move forward in the same direction with our members always in mind. ATD President Laura Perrotta is helping guide these new plans and is ready to strengthen our mission of serving and representing the needs of truck dealers for years to come.
ATD will continue to be the voice for commercial truck dealers and the premier resource for advocacy, industry relations, and education. And we’re looking to fill even more needs for our members. We hope to get each of you more involved in ATD in the future. I look forward to sharing our new plans very soon!