Emissions Rules

Emissions Rules

America’s new truck dealers are committed to selling fleets and owner/operators the commercial trucks they want and need on the timeline that works for them. 

Dealers Welcome EPA Action to Address Unrealistic Tailpipe Regulations

TYSONS, Va. (March 12, 2025)--NADA President and CEO Mike Stanton on Wednesday issued the following statement in response to the EPA’s announcement that it will reconsider its rules forcing unrealistic levels of zero emissions vehicle (ZEV) adoption in the light-duty and heavy-duty truck markets:

“NADA welcomes the Trump EPA’s prompt action to initiate new rulemakings to reconsider the previous administration’s unrealistic and overly aspirational EV mandates for light- and heavy-duty vehicles.

“Our current emissions regulatory framework is completely out of sync with any realistic assessment of consumer demand for electric cars. If not altered, these EV mandates will lead to extreme limitations on vehicle choice, all while making the smaller pool of available vehicles even more expensive.

“This is already occurring on the heavy-duty truck side and leading to severe consequences for the market and truck customers. Truck dealers have extremely limited product availability right now due to overburdensome EV mandates that failed to recognize the particular hurdles involved with early stage deployment of zero-emission technology, including higher prices, a lack of charging infrastructure, and limited operational capability.

“NADA looks forward to with working with the Trump Administration to reduce emissions standards for all vehicle classes to a level the market can actually bear.”


America’s new truck dealers are committed to selling fleets and owner/operators the commercial trucks they want and need on a timeline that works for them. Truck dealers are doing their part to be ready for the increasing electrification of the fleet and have invested over a billion dollars to support the selling and servicing of commercial ZEVs.

The EPA’s policy actions, including the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Phase 3 Emission Standards and the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions rule, are too aggressive and far ahead of vehicle technology capabilities and the infrastructure necessary to support them. Additionally, the cost is prohibitive at two to three times the price of a diesel truck with reduced performance.

ATD supports sound policies that increase fuel efficiency and reduce GHGs for America’s trucks. ATD will continue to advocate for the EPA to amend its policies to match the realities of the commercial truck market and the commercial electric charging infrastructure.

GHG Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3

On March 29, 2024, the EPA issued its final Phase 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) rule. EPA’s rule includes stronger greenhouse gas standards that phase in over MYs 2027 through 2032 and increases the adoption rate stringency at a slower pace than the proposed rule but is still extremely aggressive and costly. EPA’s standards are structured to attempt to allow manufacturers to choose what set of emissions control technologies will work for their vehicle fleet to attempt to meet the standards, but battery electric will need to be the predominant technology.

ATD is opposed to EPA’s final Phase 3 GHG rule because it will have unprecedented negative impacts on American commercial trucking and the businesses and consumers they support. By limiting the fleets’ options in new vehicles, this rule will cause older trucks to remain on the road longer. This does nothing to save fuel, make our roads safer or reduce GHG emissions.

Read ATD’s issue brief.

EPA NOx Emission Standards

The EPA’s final rule on NOx emissions, entitled “Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards,” aims to reduce the remaining 1-2% of tailpipe NOx emissions for Model Year 2027 and later.

This rule imposes between $39 and $55 billion in new regulatory costs on the trucking industry between 2027 and 2045 and could result in new commercial trucks that are unaffordable or do not meet the performance standards needed for purchasers’ businesses. Today’s new trucks have already reduced NOx emissions between 98-99% overall.

The best way to improve air quality is to incentivize fleet turnover with the goal of retiring pre-2010 trucks, which do not employ the latest emission control technologies.  

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