Dealer Data and Digital Issues - 2023 and Beyond

Track: Business Essentials & Innovations

Friday, January 27, 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Room: D161

Presenters: Bradley Miller

Gain an overview of the recent developments in state and federal law, OEM data sharing, and other related data security, privacy and digital issues.  Safeguards implementation is just a part of what you need to understand. Hear what happened in 2022 and what to expect in 2023 and beyond to ensure your digital presence, operations and agreements are not only compliant but you are staying a step ahead of regulators, lawyers and others.


Bradley Miller

Bradley Miller


Director, Legal & Regulatory Affairs

Brad Miller is NADA's director of legal and regulatory affairs. He represents dealer interests before numerous federal agencies, and educates dealers on regulations promulgated by those agencies, including the Federal Reserve Board, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service. He is an industry-leading expert on data privacy and cybersecurity regulatory issues affecting dealers.