Plugging Into the New Federal EV Tax Credits

Track: Business Essentials & Innovations

Saturday, January 28, 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Room: D173

Presenters: Doug Greenhaus, Andrew Koblenz


Also presented on:

Saturday, January 28 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Last August, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) established new federal tax credits for plug-in and fuel cell EVs. The Treasury and IRS are fleshing out how these new credits will work for purchaser-taxpayers, lessors, and dealers. Two NADA experts will review these credits in detail and suggest how dealers should educate customers on their application to EV sales and leases.
Learn specifics about the Section 30D Credit for New Clean Light-Duty Vehicles, the Section 45W Credit for Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicles, and the Section 25E Credit for Previously Owned Clean Vehicles. And gain insight on where to learn about state and utility EV sales incentives.      


Doug Greenhaus

Doug Greenhaus


Vice President Regulatory Affairs

Doug Greenhaus is NADA's vice president of regulatory affairs, environment, health and safety. He represents dealer interests before such federal agencies as EPA, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Labor. He advises and counsels NADA members and staff on federal regulatory matters. He is also the author of numerous trade articles and educational materials as well as a frequent industry speaker.

Andrew Koblenz

Andrew Koblenz


Executive Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel

Andrew D. Koblenz is NADA's executive vice president of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, which represents NADA and dealer interests before federal agencies, and general counsel. He supervises a staff of attorneys who specialize in franchise and state law, corporate law and federal regulatory affairs.

Prior to his current position, Koblenz was vice president of NADA Industry Affairs from June 2001 to February 2006, directing the activities of NADA's Industry Relations and Industry Analysis departments, as well as the association's American Truck Dealers (ATD) division.

Previously, he served as NADA's executive director and special counsel for Industry Affairs for two years, representing the interests of franchised automobile dealers in policy, operational and other discussions with vehicle manufacturers.