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NADA’s Human Capital 20 Group Improves Employee Recruitment and Retention



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Sheryll Poe


Anyone in the retail automotive sector knows that a car dealership is basically six businesses under one roof, and human capital needs are a common theme throughout all of them. Now, thanks to a partnership with Hireology, NADA’s Human Capital 20 Group is connecting human resources professionals so they can share best practices and resources to find, develop and retain talent.

In a NADA Live Stage session presented by Hireology, NADA’s Kelly Smith, Walser Automotive Group’s Ryan Moffit and Hireology Co-founder & CEO Adam Robinson talked about the importance and benefits of NADA’s Human Capital 20 Group.

“NADA has been hosting 20 Groups for decades and doing a great job” helping connect peers who can learn from one other, Robinson said. “What is new is the elevated, strategic thinking related to the human capital side of the industry.”

Hireology made a conscious decision to focus on the automotive industry because while “the reality is every employer faces a common set of challenges … this industry is just different.” The first NADA Human Capital 20 Group has been so successful, Robinson explained, a second one is launching in the near future.

Watch a video of this session and be sure to catch our other live coverage all weekend from the NADA Live Stage.

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