NADA 2005 Chairman Jack Kain: 'Dealers are Survivors' 



ORLANDO, Fla. (Feb. 11, 2006) - In his remarks at the National Automobile Dealers Association's (NADA) 89th Annual Convention & Exposition, NADA 2005 Chairman Jack Kain said the industry demonstrated its resiliency by overcoming the devastation of the hurricanes and addressing key issues impacting the auto retailing business in the past year.


"What stands out most is how resilient dealers were," Kain, referring to their response to Katrina and Rita.  "We heard one story after another of how these dealers and their employees rolled up their sleeves and went to work immediately to dig out from the rubble, mud and mold to re-open their businesses as quickly as possible.  Dealers are indeed survivors."

Citing record contributions of $4 million to the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation's Emergency Relief Fund to assist Gulf Coast dealers impacted by the hurricanes, as well as other heroic efforts from throughout the industry, Kain said, "I've never seen anything so impressive.  This is dealer service at its best.  It's what makes this a great industry."

In special recognition of dealer adaptation through the times, Kain honored the Moser Motor Sales family, in Berne, Indiana, with NADA's Century Award for 100 years in the business.

Kain recited a series of industry accomplishments in the past year, including:

  • Protecting dealers and consumers from buying flood-damaged vehicles.  "We have called upon insurance companies to disclose to the public whenever they declare a vehicle a total loss," Kain said.  "We are working with Congress to enact federal legislation to prevent title fraud."
  • Promoting two national safety campaigns to help protect children and raise awareness of proper tire maintenance.
  • Stepping up efforts to publicize career opportunities at dealerships with NADA's Automotive Career Week. "Hundreds of dealers in 44 states invited students to tour their dealerships," Kain said. "Such participation by dealers speaks volumes.  It demonstrates how seriously we take our role in getting the word out about the excellent careers that are available at dealerships."
  • Raising public understanding of dealer financing through the creation of the AWARE (Americans Well-informed About Automobile Retailing Economics) Coalition. "This campaign is based on the belief that people who make informed buying and financing decisions are more likely to be satisfied customers," Kain said. "And if they're happy, then they will all come back to our dealerships to become what we all want … 'customers for life.'"
  • Advancing legislative priorities, including class-action reform, vicarious liability relief and the bankruptcy bill.

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