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ATD | Chairmans Column

Get to Know Your ATAEs

Throughout the pandemic, ATD’s advocacy work has continued uninterrupted in the nation’s capital, and many other issues are being tackled at the local and state levels. Luckily, ATD isn’t alone in its mission. We have the privilege of working with state and metropolitan dealer associations through the Automotive Trade Association Executives (…
ATD | Chairmans Column

ATD Thanks Our Line Representatives

I have the privilege of working with some of the most dedicated men and women at ATD, and I’m proud of the leadership each displays as an ATD Board of Line Representative.
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Foundation Supports East Palestine Dealership Employees in Aftermath of Train Derailment in Ohio

A month later, East Palestine, Ohio, is still recovering from the train derailment that released over a million gallons of hazardous materials into the surrounding area.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Consumer Affordability Remains NADA’s Focus During Tariffs Debate

While at the Geneva Auto Show this week, one topic dominated conversations among OEMs and dealers of all nameplates: President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. As you know, despite the objections of economists, and numerous domestic industries, as well as bipartisan concerns in Congress, on Thursday the president ordered…

Showroom Receptionist/Greeter

The Showroom Receptionist/Greeter serves as a front-line representative for the dealership. Greets customers as they enter the showroom, answers basic inquiries, and directs them to the appropriate party.
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

NADA Live Stage: "15 Minutes with..." Mark Scarpelli and Richard Stephens

The American consumer has a friend in auto dealers, NADA’s 2017 Chairman Mark Scarpelli said during a panel discussion at the NADA Show in Las Vegas. During a “15 Minutes With…” panel discussion, Scarpelli discussed his year as chairman and highlighted some of the legislative issues NADA worked on, including automated vehicles and tax…

NADA Applauds Progress of Cash-for-Clunkers Legislation

WASHINGTON (May 19, 2009) - The National Automobile Dealers Association issued the following statement of support from David Regan, NADA vice president for legislative affairs, following the passage of the cash-for-clunkers amendment, sponsored by Rep. Betty Sutton (D-Ohio), during the markup of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and…
NADA | NADA Headlines

VIDEO: Giving Back: Parts and Service Director Builds Strong Ties with Community

Glenn Kashima has been giving away Toyota Corollas to high school graduates every year for a decade. An active member of the local Orange County community, a highlight of his role as parts and service director of Tustin Toyota is rewarding a local graduate with perfect school attendance with a new car each June. “We’re very involved in…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Setting Performance Goals for Employees Drives Dealership Success

The difference between dreaming of lofty goals and achieving them is action and planning. Most people don’t achieve their goals. Why? We were told to dream big when we were children, but we were never taught how to set goals and execute them to achieve those big dreams. Hard to believe, right? Additionally, not only do those who set goals…
ATD | ATD Insider

Scott Pearson with Peterbilt of Atlanta Elected ATD Vice Chairman

Last week in Dallas, the ATD Board elected Scott Pearson, president of Peterbilt of Atlanta in Jackson, Ga., as its next ATD vice chairman.
