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ATD | Chairmans Column

Your Voice Counts

ATD effectively represents and communicates dealer interests to manufacturers through the Dealer Attitude Survey. We are working hard to advance dealers’ relationships with their OEMs, but we must hear directly from you. Complete ATD’s 2021 Dealer Attitude Survey today and make your voice count. The survey is available exclusively online through…

Tax Recordkeeping

Taxpayers must retain receipts, slips, invoices, deposit slips, canceled checks, and related material to substantiate reported income, deductions, and credits. Dealers must also comply with retention requirements for accounting records maintained electronically. Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. A Dealer Guide to Federal Tax Issues A…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Be First to the Finish Line

As of last week, dealers are eligible to apply for ENERGY STAR certification. Your dealership can be one of the first ENERGY STAR certified dealerships and receive recognition by both NADA and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) for your efforts to save energy, save money, and help protect the environment.

FCRA: FACT Act—Red Flags and Address Discrepancy Rules

On October 31, 2007, the FTC and federal financial regulatory agencies published final rules on identity theft “red flags” and address discrepancies. Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. Agencies Issue Final Rules on Identity Theft Red Flags and Notices of Address Discrepancy (October 2007) A Dealer Guide to the Red Flags and Address…

Producer-Owned Reinsurance Companies

The IRS has the authority to challenge transactions that shift income from taxpayers to related companies purported to be “insurance companies that are subject to little or no U.S. federal income tax.” Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. A Dealer Guide to Federal Tax Issues IRS Removes Certain Reinsurance Arrangements as “Listed…

Defective Tires

Dealers must report sales of defective tires, when the tires are sold separately from vehicles, and properly manage recalled tires.  Various other obligations govern tire sales placarding, etc. Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. NHTSA Clarifies Tire Information Rule (December 2007) Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems Required (May 2002…

UNICAP (Uniform Capitalization)

Section 263A of the Internal Revenue Code generally requires the capitalization of certain operating costs associated with inventories.  Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. IRS MVTA Automotive Alert Summarizing New UNICAP Safe Harbors (January 2011) IRS Creates UNICAP Safe Harbor Methods for Dealers (November 2010) IRS UNICAP…

Franchise Rule

Franchisors must provide potential franchisees with a disclosure document containing 20 categories of information about the franchise, its officials, and other franchisees. Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. FTC Franchise Website

Employee Drug Testing

Dealerships must bargain with unions before implementing drug testing for unionized employees, but not for pre-employment drug testing. Applies to CAR and TRUCK dealers. DOL Drug-Free Workplace Policy Builder
NADA | Chairmans Column

Grassroots Advocacy – Getting Involved Makes a Difference

The National Automobile Dealers Association was formed in 1917 when a small group of auto dealers came to Washington, D.C., and successfully lobbied Congress against a proposed luxury tax on automobiles.
