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NADA PAC is NADA's political action committee and represents the interests of all franchised dealers of new cars and trucks by supporting pro-dealer congressional candidates of both political parties.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Pro-Taxpayer, Competition Groups File Comments Opposed to FTC Overreach

Americans for Tax Reform and the Open Competition Center this week submitted comments critical of the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed rule on auto retail.
NADA | Workshop

Plugging into What's Possible: Inside the EV Opportunity for Dealers

Moderated by Jason Stein, President of motormindz and CEO of Flat Six Media, this Super Session workshop will focus on EV products, partnerships, and possibilities at the retail level. Recorded on March 10, 2022.

CFPB Rejects FOIA Request for Memo on ‘Limiting Dealer Discretion’

MCLEAN, Va. (July 27, 2015) - The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has rejected a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) to release a memorandum that shows the agency seeking to exercise jurisdiction over auto dealers, which is prohibited under the Wall Street Reform and…

Oklahoma Auto Dealers Donate $50,000 for Tornado Relief

NADA AND OKLAHOMA CITY CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS PROVIDE EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDS TO DEALERSHIP EMPLOYEES OKLAHOMA CITY (June 3, 2013) - Following the devastating tornado in Oklahoma last month, several areas of the state continued to be pummeled by heavy storms and flash flooding, including another round of twisters on Friday, the second in two…
ATD | ATD Insider

House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Visits Oregon Dealership

On May 5, the chairman of the powerful House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) visited ATD member dealership TEC Equipment in Coburg, Ore.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (L58)

This dealer guide provides an overview of major provisions in the comprehensive Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that affect franchised car and truck dealers.
NADA | Chairmans Column

The Equifax Data Breach - What Dealers Should Know

Equifax is one of three nationwide credit-reporting agencies that track and rate the financial history of consumers. Equifax recently announced a major breach of the data it stores and news coverage of the breach has been widespread. Equifax has stated that information from as many as 143 million people in the United States was compromised. Given…

Dealers Participation in Tire Safety Campaign Described as Extraordinary

McLEAN, Va. (May 24, 2005) - Since NADA joined the "Be Tire Smart - Play Your Part" national tire safety campaign last month, nearly 900 NADA members have signed up to distribute consumer tips brochures at their dealerships. The campaign's lead sponsor, the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), characterized the NADA response as "…
