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NADA | NADA Headlines

AutoNation Chairman and CEO Mike Jackson Talks COVID-19 Impact on CNBC’s Squawk Box

As state and local guidance across the country are allowing non-essential businesses to open, dealerships have been up and running—allowing them the opportunity to further enhance safety measures for their employees and customers. Safe operating procedures was just one of the items AutoNation chairman and CEO Mike Jackson discussed during his…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Accelerating Auto Trends in the Time of COVID-19

A pandemic changes everything about the world. It alters our sense of safety, ideas of normalcy and patterns of behavior. Anyone in the sales business must understand how people’s needs and behaviors will evolve as they seek to regain a sense of balance. Lissette Gole, Google's head of Automotive Retail, identifies accelerated auto trends auto…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Using Conversational AI to Boost Sales

In this day and age, mainstream communications platforms like email, phone calls and text messages alone are not enough to meaningfully engage with consumers. That’s what Vivek Zaveri, CEO of, wants participants to understand in the Lifeline Series webinar Using Conventional AI Tactics to Boost Sales. Surveys show that 57% of auto…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Digital Marketing Framework for Navigating Uncertain Times

COVID-19 has brought an unprecedented time for the automotive industry. As some states slowly begin to reopen this month, dealerships are beginning to show signs of recovery. To react to the quickly changing market demand, NADA dealership management consultant Mario Clementoni and Orbee Auto CEO Daniel Kim outlined the key frameworks to guide…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Market Beat: April 2020 SAAR Falls to 8.6 Million Units

New light-vehicle sales fell sharply in April to a SAAR of 8.6 million units, the lowest monthly selling rate in almost 30 years. The April SAAR represents a drop of 47.6% compared to April 2019, with declines across the country. Yet many industry watchers believe auto sales have bottomed out and are showing signs of recovery. Those states where…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Best Ideas from NADA 20 Groups with Tom Carney

As local governments slowly begin reopening their economies in the coming weeks, dealerships are working hard to open their doors safely and efficiently. The Lifeline Series returns with part 3 of The Best Ideas from NADA  20 Groups in Times of COVID-19 Stress with consultant Tom Carney. Despite the hardships of the past two months, there are…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Federal Appeals Court Holds That NJ CAR Has Standing To Sue Mazda For Franchise Law Violations

NADA is pleased to report a significant and favorable decision in a lawsuit that NJ CAR brought against Mazda for violating the New Jersey Franchises Practices Act. In this case, NJ CAR sued Mazda for declaratory and injunctive relief alleging that the manufacturer’s Brand Experience Program 2.0, by creating price differentials and denying…
ATD | ATD Insider

ATD and 116 Industry Stakeholders Call for Suspension of Federal Excise Tax (FET) on Heavy-Duty Trucks and Trailers

The American Truck Dealers (ATD) led a letter to congressional leaders urging suspension of the 12% federal excise tax (FET) on new heavy-duty trucks and trailers through 2021. ATD was joined by 116 other organizations, including many influential industry groups, such as the American Trucking Associations (ATA), requesting that Congress suspend…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Reduce Annual Health Insurance Costs Within 90 Days

As of April 29, 2020, the United States had reached over 1 million coronavirus cases, with nearly 60,000 fatalities. Health insurance is one of the most important public necessities in a world battling a pandemic. It ranks high with food and shelter. With local governments contemplating re-opening economies and workers in desperate need of…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Proven Fixed Ops Strategies During COVID-19

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, dealership service departments have been deemed essential businesses and have remained open nationwide. While the pandemic may be plateauing in certain parts of the country, dealership fixed operations will need to adapt to the new realities of auto servicing in the age of COVID-19. NADA hosted a…
