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ATD | ATD Insider

ATD Wants Your Coronavirus Community Story

The commitment of local truck dealerships to their communities remains unprecedented during the coronavirus pandemic. As the globe endures COVID-19, dealer philanthropic efforts have been a bright spot in how the country is banning together to ride the wave into calmer waters. Local truck dealerships have supported their communities in a…
NADA | NADA Headlines

What Exactly Is “Digital Retailing” and What Should Dealers Consider When Engaging Vendors?

E-commerce has been the norm for many years with auto dealers moving towards full digital retailing. While adoption speed has varied from dealer to dealer, one thing is certain: implementation has increased exponentially due to the coronavirus pandemic. Since COVID-19 emerged, more than 22 states have imposed some form of restriction on in-person…
NADA | NADA Headlines

More Best Ideas from NADA 20 Groups

Climbing out of the pandemic will likely be a saga, so the Lifeline Series returns with part two of The Best Ideas from NADA 20 Groups, Part 2: In Times of COVID-19 Pandemic with consultant Tim Gavin. Despite the economic turbulence, there are things dealers can do right now to improve their situation and begin preparing to re-open their…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Kick-Start Auto Leads Before and After COVID-19

There’s a great opportunity for dealerships despite COVID-19 disruptions. That’s what Matt Niess, director of Business Development at Automotive-Mastermind, wants business owners to know in the Lifeline Series webinar How to Kick-Start Auto Leads During and After COVID-19 Disruptions. Niess’s central message: a transition is inevitable once the…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Chairman Praises Dealership Support of Local Communities During COVID-19

"This has been a difficult time for all of us," said NADA Chairman Rhett Ricart in a recent message to the dealership community. "It's times like these that remind us what really matters most: our families at home, the people we see every day at work, our neighbors and our communities–the people who rely on us year after year to be there for them…
NADA | Chairmans Column

NADA Chairman Rhett Ricart: We’ve Got This

It has been just over 60 days since I took the helm as chairman of NADA. In my incoming speech, I talked about corruption, obstruction and disruption to the auto retail industry… and what a disruptor we now have in our midst – COVID-19. As auto dealers, we know disruption; it isn’t new and it will never stop. In fact, we’ve found a way to grow…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Digital Retailing Disruption – The Dealer Perspective

America’s franchised new-car and truck dealers have always been resilient. Dealers have survived recessions, wars, drastic fuel prices, interest rate fluctuations and shifts in consumer demand. Soon enough, dealers will also be able to add COVID-19 to the list of disruptions they have survived and overcome. Dealers across the country have been…
ATD | ATD Insider

The Best Ideas in the Worst of Times from ATD 20 Groups and Consultant Ray Grapsy

Trucks move America. If trucks stop, the nation stops… leading to chilling scenarios in a time when goods must be stocked on grocery shelves, pick-ups and deliveries must be made to homes and medical equipment must get to the front lines. The role truck dealers play during a pandemic is critical. Ray Grapsy, ATD 20 Group consultant, presented the…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Wants Your Coronavirus Community Story

The commitment of local dealerships to their communities remains unprecedented during the coronavirus pandemic. As the globe endures COVID-19, dealer philanthropic efforts have been a bright spot in how the country is banning together to ride the wave into calmer waters. Local dealerships have supported their communities in a variety of ways,…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Leadership Hosts Virtual All Dealer Town Hall Meeting

NADA’s first ever online town hall took place in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic—a time when dealers are working to keep their families, employees and customers safe and preserve their businesses. During the webinar, NADA Chairman Rhett Ricart and NADA President and CEO Peter Welch provided insights into the current state of the auto retail…
