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NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Outgoing NADA Chairman Gilchrist Celebrates Contributions of Dealers

NADA Show 2020’s Opening General Session celebrated the contributions of local dealership leaders and the power of many voices speaking as one. “This past year there were many challenges in the auto industry, but your NADA Chairman Charlie Gilchrist never backed down from a single one,” said NADA Show Chairman Michael Joe Cannon. Gilchrist…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Outgoing 2019 NADA Chairman to Dealers: “Don’t Let Others Define Who You Are. You Are NADA”

In his outgoing remarks as 2019 NADA Chairman, Charlie Gilchrist thanked America’s franchised auto dealers for heeding the call to become involved in NADA, saying it was instrumental to many successful initiatives throughout the year. “Last January, I challenged all of you not to be just a part of NADA, not to be just a member of NADA, but as…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

What Women Want: A Perspective on the Automotive Industry

What do women in automotive want? The same thing as everyone else. “Women want a place to grow and develop,” said Lori Wittman, senior vice president of Dealer Software Solutions for Cox Automotive. Wittman was part of a powerhouse panel discussion on the NADA Live Stage that covered everything from mentoring to unconscious biases.…
ATD Show | ATD Insider

ATD Chairwoman Jodie Teuton Touts Tenacity as Fuel Behind ATD’s Success

In her farewell remarks today at ATD Show, Jodie Teuton, outgoing chairwoman of the American Truck Dealers (ATD), cited the tenacity of dealers as the source of ATD’s successful year. “Tenacity is when you take hold and refuse to let go,” said Teuton, co-founder and vice president of Kenworth of Louisiana. “Tenacity is how we make it through…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

The Future of TV and Auto Advertising

Television is the ultimate marketing machine for dealerships, according to the latest data shared by Steve Lanzano President & CEO, TVB during his jam-packed, lunch session on the NADA Live Stage. “The power of TV to drive people to take an action is so important,” Lanzano said during the session which was presented by TVB. The average…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Digital Marketing: Align Your Measurement to Drive Foot Traffic

If you want to win in the dealership, you have to win online and Google can help, according to Brian Benstock of Paragon Honda and Paragon Acura in Woodside, New York. Benstock joined Google’s Head of Industry, Automotive Retail Lissette Gole on the NADA Live Stage to discuss the evolution of consumer trends and how Google has helped his…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Economic Forecast and Employment Trends

J.D. Power’s Jonathan Banks summed up the economic outlook for auto dealers in 2020 by stating simply, “Enjoy the momentum.” Banks, vice president of Vehicle Valuations & Analytics at J.D. Power, joined NADA Senior Economist Patrick Manzi for a discussion of economic trends in the automotive industry. “2020 is probably going to be…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Chairmen Welcome Attendees to NADA Show 2020

Anticipation was in the air and a crowd gathered outside the Expo Hall as day two of NADA Show 2020 got underway with a welcome message from NADA Chairman Charlie Gilchrist, NADA Show Chairman Michael Joe Cannon, and NADA’s head of Public Affairs Jonathan Collegio. “Dealers love Las Vegas and what better time to love Las Vegas than Valentine’s…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Valentine’s Day, Giving Back, and Live Learning: NADA Show 2020 Day 1 Recap

More than 20,000 attendees representing the best and brightest of the automotive retail industry were feeling the Las Vegas love this Valentine’s Day as NADA Show 2020 and the concurrent American Truck Dealers (ATD) Show kicked off at the Las Vegas Convention Center on Friday, February 14. NADA Show brings the entire industry together for…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

The Modern Dealership: Increasing Revenue Streams

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Madonna, it’s that we are living in a material world,” NADA’s Director of Video Production Eric Hunsaker said while kicking off this year’s “Modern Dealership” panel discussion at the Live Stage during the NADA Show in Las Vegas. Trevor Gile, Motorcars Honda and Matt Gile of Motorcars Toyota,…
