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NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Voluntary Protection Products: A Model Dealership Policy (L60)

Franchised dealerships routinely offer their customers voluntary products to protect their investment in the vehicles they purchase or lease. When offered, sold and administered in a professional and consumer-friendly manner, these voluntary protection products (VPPs) can offer customers valuable protection against unexpected and potentially…
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Body Shop Marketing (SP31)

This dealer guide discusses how to promote your body shop to the full array of potential customers: insurance adjusters, fleet companies, used-car dealerships, new-vehicle owners, service customers, dealerships without body shops, and the general public.
ATD | ATD Insider

Joseph Alosa Nominated for National Truck Dealer of the Year Award

Joseph Alosa, Sr., president and CEO of New England Kenworth in Concord, N.H., is one of seven nominees for 2018 Truck Dealer of the Year – a national award that recognizes commercial-truck dealers for business performance, industry and civic leadership and community service. “It’s truly an honor to be nominated for this prestigious award, and…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Introducing the NADA Show 2018 Mobile App

sponsored by     Download the NADA Show Mobile app today and start exploring the many exciting features, workshops, events and exhibitors that you'll find during both the NADA Show and the ATD Show this March! Here's why you need it: The NADA Show mobile app is your personal…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

NADA Show Lifestyle Experience Helps Attendees 'Excite', 'Explore' and 'Relax'

Take a break from the excitement of the show, and visit us on the NADA Expo floor for three marvelous Lifestyle Experience pavilions designed just for you! We've teamed up with luxury retailers and partners to create an experience to serve as an oasis of relaxation right in the middle of the Show: FRI. MARCH 23…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Dealer's Choice: Announcing the NADA Show 2018 Exchange Topics

  Each year at NADA Show, we ask our members and attendees which topics they would like to see in our highly-popular peer-to-peer learning sessions, The Exchange. These roundtable discussions feature brainstorming and problem solving amongst auto industry peers. Each Exchange session is based on timely topics selected by YOU, the…
NADA Show | NADA Headlines

New Tax Reform Law Highlighted at NADA Show 2018

The tax reform bill signed into law in December 2017 significantly changes how companies and individuals are taxed at the federal level. Last year, we also witnessed a slew of regulatory activity in other areas that affect dealer operations. At NADA Show 2018, our Legal and Regulatory workshops and education sessions will address these hot topics…
NADA | NADA Headlines

VIDEO: Nissan VP Discusses Impact of Branding Collaboration with Star Wars

“It’s easy to sign a deal with a brand; it’s easy to slap labels on the product and call it a partnership,” said Jeremy Tucker, Vice President of Media & Marketing for Nissan, during the recent 2017 AutoConference LA. What a waste of money, he added. Apparently, great branding requires a bit more effort. After achieving record-…
NADA | Chairmans Column

Tax Reform Bill Means Opportunity and Success for Dealers

The nation's auto dealers should have a happy holiday season thanks to NADA's and my fellow dealers' efforts to ensure that our priorities were accounted for in comprehensive tax reform legislation. On Dec. 2, the Senate passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1), which included an NADA-supported amendment to preserve 100 percent deductibility of…
ATD | Chairmans Column

A Holiday Message from Your ATD Chairman

People say that ‘a lot can happen in a year.’ And, indeed, it has at the American Truck Dealers (ATD). The holidays are here and I cannot help but reflect on what the year has brought us. The past year has gone down in history books, not just for our industry but for the entire country. When I took the helm as ATD chairman in 2016, there was a…
