NADA Chairman Mark Scarpelli Speaks to ATD Members

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NEW ORLEANS (Jan. 28, 2017) - Mark Scarpelli, 2017 chairman of the National Automobile Dealers Association, extended a hand to those gathered at the American Truck Dealers (ATD) Convention and Expo in New Orleans on Jan. 28.


"There's something that ATD Chairman Steve Parker said that really struck a chord," he told the crowd. "He told his ATD audience that 'car and truck dealers are brothers and sisters-in-arms ... and those arms are very long.'"


Scarpelli urged ATD members to not only work with association leadership but with each other to ensure they are treated fairly by Washington legislators.


"We have a lot of reach. We have a lot of influence. And together, there's nothing that we can't accomplish for our industry. It might take some time, but I know we'll get there," he said. "Because as soon as Steve and I get back to D.C., we're tackling the issues that are hurting car and truck dealers alike. "


Scarpelli cited government overreach into car and truck dealership business. 


"We need to talk to those in Washington who make these policies. And we need to educate them about our businesses," he said. "We need everyone here in this room today-and those at home-to be involved and stay engaged."


"Whether we sell cars or trucks, we're all working toward the same goal. To give our customers the transportation they need. So stretch out those arms because we have another year ahead of us," he added.


Source: ATD

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