Getting Into the Business of Electricity

Track: Business Essentials & Innovations

Saturday, January 28, 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Room: C145

Presenters: Ryan Ferrero


Also presented on:

Thursday, January 26 2:30 - 3:30 PM

Your OEM is shipping EVs to your lot, for your customers. Dealerships can now make, store and sell electricity on-site. Use it for HVAC, lights and EV charging; store electricity in batteries; and sell electricity. Learn how to leverage electricity for your facility and your customers, what it means for your utility bills, and how to essentially operate your own utility company.


Ryan Ferrero

Ryan Ferrero

Freedom Power

National Director/Auto Industry Electrification

Ryan Ferrero is a longtime domestic/import dealer principal and founder of a large dealership electrification program. He has earned awards, such as the top-volume Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge dealer in Colorado, People magazine's Top 5 U.S. Dealers for Customer Satisfaction, an Award of Merit from Engineering News and was named as one of the Top 20 Springwise Business Ideas. Ferrero is a seasoned business strategist and speaker who has addressed the U.S. Senate, CNN, Fox, NBC and Fast Company.