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NADA Professional Series: New Development Program for Dealership Sales Managers



Georgia Munson

Georgia Munson

NADA Academy Instructor

As a young professional, I dreamed of becoming a Dealership Sales Manager. Have you heard the phrase – “Be careful what you wish for?” That phrase rang true on my first day managing a new team at a dealership. I had worked hard hitting sales objectives to get the promotion. I was ready to get results. But there was one problem. I had the ability to sell and the desire to manage, but no one had invested the time to teach me the leadership and management skills I needed to be successful. Fortunately, I had a great role model and mentor to help me through that transition. It was a slow and bumpy start. However, through hard work I eventually became a partner in a car dealership.

Don’t let your ride be as bumpy as mine. If you want to be a Sales Manager and Leader, register for the Sales Management track in NADA's new Professional Series. This program will provide the expertise and training needed to fill the skill gaps and develop your ideal career path. You will learn how to implement a vision, create a 21st century sales process and develop your own personal leadership style – plus recruit and onboard top-level talent.

There are only six classes available for this Professional Series: Sales Manager and Leadership Class in 2018. Sign up today to ensure you have the skills to gain instant success as a leading Sales Manager.

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