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Visit Your Member of Congress Next Week



With the new Congress now in full swing, many legislative issues with high stakes for auto and truck dealers are being considered. That is why it is essential for dealers to educate lawmakers about the real-world consequences of policymaking. Next week’s Memorial Day congressional recess, which runs from  May 27 to May 31, presents an ideal opportunity for dealers to advocate for dealers’ legislative priorities in face-to-face meetings at their dealership or in lawmakers’ offices.

Now is a critical time for grassroots advocacy. Congress may consider legislation this summer that would forbid the sale – or even wholesale – of any used vehicle under open recall. NADA supports initiatives to increase recall completion rates but is opposed to overbroad vehicle recall legislation.  Furthermore, dealer-assisted financing and voluntary protection products continue to be attacked by members of Congress, who neither understand the consumer benefits of dealer-assisted financing in the current competitive auto loan market, nor the importance of making affordable auto loans available for all consumers.

On the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Trump administration is evaluating broad based tariffs of up to 25% on imported autos and auto parts. New auto tariffs would impact all dealers for two reasons. First, no vehicle is 100% domestically-made. Second, the average vehicle assembled in the U.S. has an international parts content of 40%. Congress must ensure that any new trade agreements or actions don’t hurt the auto industry and consumers by unduly increasing vehicle prices, stifling demand for new vehicles, or jeopardizing American jobs.

NADA/ATD also strongly supports legislation to repeal the 102-year-old federal excise tax (FET) on heavy-duty trucks. Members of Congress are urged to cosponsor H.R. 2381, which would repeal the outdated FET and replace it with a more consistent revenue mechanism to fund the Highway Trust Fund. Congress must repeal the FET to spur new truck sales and promote the entry of cleaner and safer trucks, thereby modernizing the truck fleet.

Members of Congress need your voice to make informed decisions on the issues important to dealers and their customers. To invite a member of Congress to your dealership, or to meet with them in their state or district office, please contact NADA Legislative Affairs at 800.557.6232 or

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