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Adaptation and Reinvention



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Sheryll Poe


NADA’s first ever virtual live Show kicked off today with an exciting new platform that allows attendees to customize their experience while providing all of the expansive content, networking, entertainment and expert insights that the NADA Show is known for.

One of the most popular features of the NADA Show is the daily Live Stage presentations – quick, hourly sessions that highlight key auto industry players, showcase dealers’ stories and provide an inside look at top industry trends over the course of the three-day Show.

NADA Show 2021 Kick-off
NADA Show hosts Maggie Clark and Madison Alexander started the virtual Live Stage programming by outlining all the important Show events taking place on day one, including workshops, franchise meetings, the virtual Expo, the Network Now tool, and Main Stage happenings.

NADA Chairman on 2020 Challenges
2020 NADA Chairman Rhett Ricart joined the virtual Live Stage to talk about leading NADA through the industry and the country’s most challenging year in history. Ricart noted the resiliency of not just the auto industry, but also the organizations that represent them at the state and local levels—and, of course, NADA. “So many good things came out of this horrible, horrible pandemic that I think we’re going to be able to carry on into the future,” Ricart said. To see why Ricart thinks this year has actually been a blessing, watch the video below.

Diversifying the Industry
NADA is taking meaningful steps to support diversity and inclusion throughout the auto industry. In her newly created role as executive director of NADA External Affairs and Public Policy, Myra Dandridge says she plans to create strategic partnerships with organizations that represent underrepresented groups and other constituencies to promote the impact that dealerships have on their communities and the economy at large. “My primary focus is going to be on developing relationships and building bridges where none may have existed before,” Dandridge said. Meet Dandridge in the video below and find out which groups she plans to build bridges with.

Inside NADA Academy
With more than 11,000 graduates over 40 years, NADA’s Academy program has a proven track record of educational excellence. But what happened when Academy had to go 100 percent virtual learning in June? “Thankfully our members have really jumped on this,” said NADA Academy Director Michael Hayes. “It’s been wonderful to see our team pull together and see our members continue to want to participate.” Watch the video below to hear how Academy adapted its curriculum and raised the bar for virtual learning.

Women Driving Auto Retail
While women make up more than 45 percent of new-vehicle purchasers, female representation in the auto industry hovers at only 20 percent. NADA’s Women Driving Auto Retail (WDAR) initiative seeks to change that. “I think we have huge opportunities and gains to be had in this industry. We just have to get the word out,” said Annette DiLorenzo Thayer, dealer/owner of Quality Mazda in Albuquerque, N.M. Watch the video below where Thayer talks about recent changes to the NADA Board of Directors and the annual WDAR video contest.

Watch live sessions from the NADA Live Stage every day or check out the archived videos of all these sessions.

Stay up to date with our official daily show recaps and be sure to follow all things NADA Show on social media using the hashtag #NADASHOW on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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