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NADA Social Connection Zone to Tackle Dealers' Tough Tech Questions



Na'Tasha Jones

The NADA Social Connection Zone (SCZ) is an unbiased space to get your digital marketing questions answered. SCZ will go beyond the basics of social media and offer insights into how to best manage all things marketing and communication.

At SCZ, attendees can get one-on-one advice from our social connectors. This will be your chance to get some free consulting, courtesy of NADA. There are no “stupid questions” at SCZ. This safe space is the place to ask about your most pressing social media and digital marketing issues or get help with a tech question that you haven't been able to solve with all those online searches. From mobile app recommendations and analytics to big-picture ideas, SCZ has it all for your dealership.

Marketing expert Jessica Levin* and her team have created a program based on industry trends based on the experiences and challenges faced by NADA members over the last several years. Using short, 30-minute sessions, Jessica and her team will touch upon some of the most important topics in dealer marketing.

Social Connection Zone Sessions Schedule

Located at Booth 601S

Staying on Course with Social Media 
Is your marketing strategy on track or should you be trading it in for a newer model? Are you wondering what’s new in social media and what your dealership should be focused?  Learn the latest trends highlights in digital marketing and which platforms, services and social strategies are most relevant to the auto industry. Friday, January 25, 9am Saturday, January 26, 10am Sunday, January 27, 11am

What the Heck is Block Chain and Does it Matter for Auto Dealers?
Have you heard the term Block Chain, but still have no idea what it means? Don’t worry, you are not alone.  This session will give an overview of the new technology and how Block Chain is being integrated into social media platforms and how it will be used to improve online security. Friday, January 25, noon Saturday, January 26, noon

You Sold a Car. Now What? Tips for Post-Sale Communications
Communicating with a customer doesn’t stop once they drive off of the lot. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Learn the best methods of staying in contact with customers after the sale and how to best blend digital and real touch points for success. Friday, January 27, 1pm

Be sure to add these sessions to your weekend itinerary, or squeeze in time for a one-on-one appointment and get up to speed on the tips and tools you need to successfully execute your social and digital strategies.

Still need to register for NADA Show 2019? Visit the NADA Show 2019 website to secure your spot today.

NADA Show 2019 takes place in San Francisco, January 24-27. We can't wait to see you there!

*Jessica Levin is an award-winning marketing strategist, speaker and author. Joining NADA for the seventh year, she combines her expertise in digital marketing with an approachable style. As president of Seven Degrees Communications, she was named a 2017 New Jersey Brand Builder by Leading Women Entrepreneurs. She’s been inducted into New Jersey’s Advertising Hall of Fame and was named a Top 50 Women in Business by NJBiz. She has authored two books: “Perfect Pairings: The Art of Connecting People” and “Everyone Has Sh*t: Unsolicited Advice for Being Human”.

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