Employment and payroll at U.S. new-car dealerships continued to rise through the first six months of 2017, according to a new midyear report released today by the National Automobile Dealers Association.
New-car dealerships directly employed 1,134,200 workers through the second quarter of 2017, up from a record 1,131,900 in 2016, according to NADA Data 2017: Midyear Report, which provides a biannual financial profile of new-car dealerships, as well as data on employment, payroll and more. “We expect to see employment at new-car dealerships reach an all-time high at the end of 2017,” said Patrick Manzi, NADA senior economist. “In addition to the direct employment provided by dealerships, more than another million other jobs in local communities are dependent on dealerships.”
Payroll at new-car dealerships reached nearly $33 billion in June 2017 year-to-date, up more than 11 percent compared to the same six months in 2016.
The average compensation for employees at new-car dealerships was $69,784 per year in 2016.
“For the past several years, dealership employees have seen steady increases in their incomes as well as in their total compensation,” Manzi added. “Dealership jobs offer significantly higher compensation than other retail sectors.”
To download the report, click here. https://www.nada.org/nadadatamidyear2017/