Announcing the NADA Show 2024 Video Competition

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Win All-Access Passes for Your Entire Dealership to Attend the Auto Industry Event of the Year
Get ready to grab your cameras and showcase your talent because we're giving away ALL-ACCESS PASSES for NADA Show 2024!
Picture this: Your dealership crew, front and center at the Auto Industry Event of the Year, gaining invaluable insights, forging connections, and staying ahead of the game. It's an opportunity that can't be missed! And now, you have a chance to make it a reality through our epic NADA Show 2024 Video Competition.
Are you ready to unveil your inner Spielberg? We want you to create a captivating video, no more than two minutes long, that showcases why dealership employees from every department simply CAN'T MISS the NADA Show. Whether you're a dealership, an exhibitor, or an OEM, this competition is for you. Whoever emerges victorious can either claim the prize (if they are a dealership) or generously donate it to a dealership they choose.
Once you've crafted your masterpiece, it's time to share it with the world. Upload your video to any and all social media platforms, and don't forget to include the hashtags #NADAShow and #DrivingTheFuture in the caption. This will ensure that your entry is visible to our esteemed judging panel.
Now, let's talk about the rewards. The winning video will be featured on the main stage at NADA Show 2024 EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Imagine the thrill of seeing your name in lights, your creativity celebrated, and your dealership's brand showcased to industry leaders from around the globe.
But that's not all! The champion of the NADA Show 2024 Video Competition will also receive all-access passes for their entire dealership. That means your colleagues and team members will have full access to the wealth of knowledge, the latest trends, and the groundbreaking innovations that NADA Show has to offer.
And for those left behind to hold down the fort, we've got you covered too. We're throwing a MAMMOTH PIZZA PARTY as a gesture of appreciation for your dedication and hard work. You won't miss out on the celebration!
So, grab your cameras, gather your teammates, and start filming. Showcase the passion, the drive, and the excellence that defines your dealership. This is your chance to shine on the big stage at NADA Show 2024.
Submit your video ASAP, and who knows? Your creativity might just make you the talk of the industry. Don't hesitate, start filming, and let's make this a year to remember!
Attendee registration opens July 31. All videos must be submitted by October 31, 2023. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to drive the future at NADA Show 2024!
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