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Simplifying EV Charging Starts at the Dealership, Chargeway Founder Says



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Sheryll Poe


The fuel source may not be the same, but everything else about driving an electric vehicle (EV) is the same. So is the selling process, said Matt Teske, Founder and CEO of Chargeway.

“We’re asking them to buy a new type of fuel. The driving is the same. Really, we’re just talking about the fuel,” Teske said during his Sunday Live Stage session at NADA Show 2022.

Still, electric energy is not easy for customers to visualize, Teske acknowledged. “For the past 100 years we haven’t had to explain gasoline,” Teske said, while pointing out that first, gasoline has a physical presence, a feel and a smell, and second, there are large signs touting gas everywhere. “People had the comfort of the product waiting for them.”

Meanwhile, when it comes to discussing EVs and charging, the main messaging revolves around range anxiety. “We hear the phrase range anxiety a lot, but from our research it’s really fuel anxiety,” Teske said.

Dealers can help allay those fears, for one thing by pointing out that there are more than 60,000 charging stations in America today and second, by touting the ease, availability and cost-effectiveness of home charging stations. “If the buyer has a driveway or a garage, they can exclusively fill up at home now. A full tank, every morning.”

“Dealers are the frontline to what’s happening, which is selling EV confidence,” Teske said.

Check out the video below to see Teske’s thoughts on the role of utility companies, how to have an energy conversation at the dealership and how Chargeway can help facilitate those discussions.

IHS Markit sponsored the EV Daily segments featured on Live Stage each day during NADA Show 2022. Check out their previous segments herehere and here.

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