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Why Dealers Should Keep Advertising on TV



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Sheryll Poe


“Broadcast TV reaches 100% of homes with TVs,” regardless of whether those TV watchers get their programming from paid cable, streaming services, or satellite or dish options, according to Brad Seitter, EVP of Local and National Development at TVB, a not-for-profit trade association representing America’s local broadcast television industry.

“We’re on there…no matter how you watch it,” Seitter said during his Friday session on the NADA Live Stage. Seitter noted that there was a misperception about television and where consumers are spending their time.

He highlighted recent research that found that consumers who are interested in purchasing or leasing a car or truck in the next year spent most of their viewing time on television, at five hours and 30 minutes per day.

In addition, OEMs allocate 90% of their marketing and advertising dollars toward television. “They’ve already determined it’s the best place to sell a car or truck,” Seitter said, which makes advertising on television a no-brainer for dealers. “Broadcast TV is the one that grows the brand.”

Seitter also discussed new trends in television advertising, in particular bookend commercials, where an advertiser splits a 30-second ad between the beginning and the end of an ad break, ensuring they catch a consumer’s attention at both opportunities.

He also noted that the pandemic has changed the way people consume media, and dealers want to get in front of those potential buyers.

“Television viewership has never been higher. People have been working from home for two years,” Seitter said. “There are more people in front of the TV set than ever before, so what am I going to say to them?”

See more from Seitter’s session in the video below.

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