Performance Coaching Two-day Course
Learn how coaching can accelerate performance and profits in dealer groups. Coaching helps employees reach their potential by assisting them in discovering their path to success and encouraging them along the way. Understanding how to motivate your team to create cultural change at the dealership.
Key Takeaways
- Understand the difference between coaching, mentoring and managing.
- Learn and implement the skills, behaviors and characteristics of a great coach.
- Build a relationship of trust.
- Set clear expectations.
- Collaborate to develop meaningful goals.
- Provide excellent and actionable feedback.
- Interpret what motivates your team members for individualized coaching opportunities.
- Demonstrate the skill of empathic listening for better communication.
- Use questions to focus attention and create clarity.
- Discuss the GROW model to develop coaching conversations.
- Participate in coaching role-play scenarios to hone skills.
