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Young Automotive Group Supports Their Community’s Young 



Teenagers living in cars, brothers who share the same pair of shoes for school, families that don’t know how they’ll afford their next meal – these are the people that Young Caring for Our Young Foundation is dedicated to helping.

Spencer Young, CEO and Partner Owner of Young Automotive Group, and his wife Sherry established the nonprofit Young Caring for Our Young in 2007. Since then, the foundation has contributed over $6 million to local education and youth nonprofits in Utah and Idaho. 

Young Automotive Group has 29 locations across Utah, Idaho and Montana, and each dealership donates at least $10,000 annually through the foundation. Through the support of the dealerships and other community partners, the foundation has supplied school clothes and coats to over 6,000 kids, provided books and school supplies to over 2,000 students, and donated basic supplies like blankets to more than 800 homeless teens in the last two years. The foundation hosts 50 events annually, all staffed and supported by the dealership teams. 

“We hire people who are culturally aligned with giving back to the community. You’re not having to convince them why, it’s just when and where,” said Tami Olsen, Recruiting and Foundation Director of the auto group. “It’s not the exception to be involved. It’s the norm.”

Olsen said the auto group employs 1,800 people and 80 to 90 percent are actively involved in the foundation. They are the ones stocking the shelves of community pantries, packing weekend meal kits for low-income children and delivering blankets to shelters. 

Young Caring for Our young was one six finalists sharing their community programs at the inaugural Philanthropy Pitch Competition at the 2024 NADA Show LiveStage. 

Read more about the competition’s winner: Kelley Buick GMC’s 20 Buck Truck Contest and stay tuned for the 2025 call for pitches!  


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