Cultivate a Culture of Cyber Security

Track: Digital

Friday, January 27, 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Room: D167

Presenters: Jason Cook

Given today's risk of cyberthreats, it's imperative to embrace and cultivate a culture of cybersecurity to drive business success. Create an environment where cybersecurity is inherent in executives, board members, managers and employees alike — so they understand attack methods and cyberthreats, and play an active role protecting the organization.


Jason Cook

Jason Cook

Cyber Defense Labs


Jason Cook is president of Cyber Defense Labs, a leading cybersecurity provider. Cook is a seasoned information technology (IT), cybersecurity, and telecommunications executive with a track record of defining strategic direction, implementing complex global programs, and reorganizing dysfunctional business and IT departments to enhance performance. Over a 28-year career, Cook has held leadership and board roles including CISO, CTO and IT Director at BT, a leading global telecommunications, managed services and security provider. Jason helps auto dealerships tackle their most critical security issues, understand the industry's unique risks, manage cyberthreats, and devise practical solutions that strengthen dealers' overall security posture.