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NADA | Chairmans Column

New ASE Adopt-A-School Program Offers Two-Way Street to Technician Recruitment

The ASE Education Foundation’s new Adopt-A-School program is a great opportunity for dealers to give back and receive business benefits as well.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Three Big Shifts: Transportation Policy in the Biden Administration

What dealers can expect in transportation policy over the next five years.
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Chairman Focuses on EVs, Diversity

NADA 2022 Chairman Mike Alford promotes staff diversity and selling electric vehicles.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Dealerships embracing EVs in Rural Texas

Dealers are investing in EV infrastructure, equipment, training and tools.

NADA Board of Directors – Sydney "Sid" Dillon

Sid Dillon is president of Sid Dillon Chevrolet in Fremont, Neb.
ATD | Chairmans Column

There’s No Slowing Down in the Truck Dealer Business

Trucks are vital to America and dealers everywhere are working hard to meet new customer demands where an electric future is possible.
NADA | NADA Headlines

‘The Future is Female’ at America’s Auto Dealerships

Women bring a lot to the auto retail industry, including a strong work ethic, empathy for their co-workers and customers, and a variety of communication styles.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

2022 NADA Chairman Mike Alford: ‘Dealers Will be Masters of Our Destiny’

Incoming 2022 NADA Chairman Mike Alford calls on dealers to seize the opportunities brought about by the coming wave of new electric vehicle models.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Outgoing 2021 NADA Chairman Paul Walser on Auto Dealers ‘Defining Moment’

2021 NADA Chairman Paul Walser reflects on his time serving the association during one of the most unusual and uncertain years in dealer franchise history.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Auto Dealer Community Mobilizes During Ukraine Crisis

Just as auto dealers are the first to line up to help their communities after a natural disaster or crisis, America’s auto dealers are coming to the aid of the citizens of Ukraine.
