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NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Dealers, OEMs, Vendors Make the Case for Technology Standards in Auto Retailing

Imagine driving a car in a city without standard road widths or margins, without standard traffic separators, signals or signage?
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Looking for Employees? Get Involved in Your Local Schools, Foundation Heads Say

Auto dealerships that need to hire good service technicians don’t need to go far to find them, according to Mike Coley, President of ASE Education Foundation.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Auto Dealers Can Expect Another Great Year, NADA Chief Economist Says

All dealership departments saw “significant gains,” especially compared to COVID-impacted 2020 numbers.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Accelerated Change Takes Center Stage at NADA Show with News, Announcements

A Recap of Day Two
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Consumers Have Spoken: Local Dealerships Are the Preferred Place to Buy EVs

Consumers looking to buy electric vehicles (EVs) today are different than the early EV adopters, who were more tech-savvy, cutting-edge and into newness for the sake of newness.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Why Dealers Should Keep Advertising on TV

“Television viewership has never been higher. People have been working from home for two years,” Seitter said.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Win Friends, Sell Cars by Influencing Customers via Digital

What do Aristotle and auto dealers have in common? They’re both adept in the art of artificial influence, according to Joe St. John, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Stone Eagle.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Focus on the Customer and the Right Metrics, Marketing Panel Says

The key, the panel agreed, is to focus on the customer journey and be prepared to meet the customer at each step of that process.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Google Announces New Vehicle Ad Platform at NADA Show 2022

The future of auto retail is digital, and thanks to Google that future is accelerating in a major way.
NADA, NADA Show | NADA Headlines

Dealers: Get in Line to Get Electrified, Says E-Mobility Expert

Dealerships that want to go all-in on electrification are in a race—a race for load capacity, according to Sean Gouda, Executive Vice President, Future Energy.
