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‘Not All Television is Created Equal:’ Broadcast TV is Where Dealers Go to Reach and Influence Auto Buyers



Sheryll Poe, Profile Picture, 175x175

Sheryll Poe


Consumers have a number of options when it comes to where to watch televised programming content, but nothing replaces broadcast TV.

Linear or broadcast TV is where their favorite programs are – news, sports, weather, network shows, prime programming. “Viewers will go other places as well, but they come back to broadcast,” according to Brad Seitter, Executive Vice President of Local & National Business Development at TVB.

Seitter spoke from the NADA Live Stage on Friday, Jan. 27, and shared the latest media comparison research showing where consumers spend the most of their time. Broadcast television came out on top, at three hours and 10 minutes per day. Cable TV had about half of that time and streaming platforms trailed even farther behind.

“Broadcast TV is where consumers are spending time, where they have trust and where auto dealers can reach them,” Seitter said. “When you’re on broadcast, you’re on every TV, including those with cable, satellite and even broadband only. The formula and strategy of advertising is – consumer time spent and consumer influence is where I’m spending, and clearly consumer time and reach is through broadcast.”

Finding the right consumers on the right platform is also important, Seitter said, and the majority of car buying customers are watching broadcast television. Just looking at the Dallas market, broadband only homes made up 36% of TV owners, but of that segment, 57.2% were 34 years or younger. Meanwhile, 80% of most dealerships business is made up of buyers who are 40 or older.

“It’s not that you shouldn’t be there, but not all television is created equal,” Seitter noted. “You have to allocate your advertising dollars the right way, where the right consumers are and can be reached.”

See more from Seitter’s session in the video below and watch the Livestream from the Live Stage at NADA Show.

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