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Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Dealership Talent



Sheryll Poe, Profile Picture, 175x175

Sheryll Poe


Imagine you are the general manager or the dealer-principal of a local auto dealership. Now, think back to the last time you had a great customer experience. Maybe it was with a waitress at a restaurant, or a barista at your regular coffee shop, or a cashier at the local grocery store.

Each one of those people could be your next great dealership employee, according to a panel of dynamic women auto retail leaders from the Live Stage at NADA Show 2023. The session was one of three sessions sponsored by Women Driving Auto Retail (WDAR) on Friday, Jan. 27.

“Take advantage of the places you already are and where you are seeing people,” said Janet Barnard, executive coach at The Exco Group and former Chief People Officer of Cox Automotive.

Barnard was joined by Hello Mazda General Manager Lerea Graham and Kenworth of Louisiana Vice President Jodie Teuton, who also had some advice for dealers who want to build the best, most diverse talent they can. “Choose your daughter as your successor,” Teuton said.

Watch the entire WDAR-sponsored session on building a diverse dealership talent in the video below and tune in to our livestream to catch all the Live Stage sessions during NADA Show 2023.  

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