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NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

EPA Underground Storage Tank Regulations: 2016 Update (L23)

This dealer guide is a revision of the December 1988 NADA guide to the EPA Underground Storage Tank Regulations.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Updated OSHA HazCom Standard (L22)

A Dealer Guide to the Updated OSHA HazCom Standard explains compliance with OSHA's Hazard Communication (HazCom) Standard.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Updated OSHA Asbestos Standard (L18)

This dealer guide explained the rule and its relevance to dealers.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Federal Tax Treatment of Demos (L17)

This dealer guide explains the IRS's simplified methods for valuing the use of demonstrator vehicles by full-time salespersons and other dealership employees.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Federal Hazardous Waste Law (L15)

This dealer guide explains the amendment and what dealers had to do be in compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Federal Wage and Hour, Child Labor, and Wage Discrimination Compliance (L01)

This dealer guide gives an overview of the basic requirements for dealers in these areas of federal law.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Federal Records Retention and Reporting (L03)

This dealer guide outlines current federal requirements from the federal agencies that regulate dealership operations, and includes additional suggestions and countless references for further information.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Engaging Millennials in the Dealership Workforce (ER16)

Dealership jobs can be a hard sell for typical Millennials. The question of how to recruit, manage and retain these employees is important, because they will comprise 46 percent of the workforce by 2020. The answer involves making them proud of working for a dealership so they will stay long enough to make a positive contribution to dealership…
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Diversity as a Business Imperative, Third Edition (ER12)

This Driven guide presents the business case for diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in the workplace, marketplace and community, focusing on key issues--racial/ethnic demographics, age, gender, disability, and religion—and what each means in the dealership context.
NADA, ATD | Driven Management Guide

Automotive Customer Relationship Management (CR08)

This dealer guide discusses the goals and driving forces in the automotive CRM market, as well as CRM core functionality and some future CRM applications.
