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NADA | NADA Headlines

Auto Dealers Fighting the Impact of West Coast Wildfires

The wildfires along the West Coast of the United States are nothing short of devastating. 2020 has been a trying year for all Americans due to the coronavirus pandemic; add the wildfires in California and Oregon, hurricanes and flooding in Louisiana and Texas and severe weather in other parts of the country, and there are now thousands of…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Auto Dealers Gather Virtually to Make Their Voices Heard in Washington

The three E’s – the elections, the economy and engaging with legislators were at the forefront of day two of NADA’s first virtual Washington Conference. The Industry Was Tested—and NADA Responded 2020 NADA Chairman Rhett Ricart, CEO and owner of Ricart Automotive Group in Columbus, Ohio, kicked off day…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Storming the Hill Without the Fly-In: NADA Holds First All-Virtual Washington Conference

Regardless of who gets elected President or who controls Congress next year, or even the status of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery, Congress and the Administration need to hear from the nation’s automobile dealers. Yesterday, this was the central theme emphasized by NADA policy and regulatory experts during NADA’s first all-virtual Washington…
ATD | Chairmans Column

Election Time at ATD

With the 2020 presidential election right around the corner—and ballots going out for ATD line representative seats—it’s an opportune time to discuss how your ATD officials are elected, and how they represent your interests at your national association. A sentiment I hear from new line representatives all the time is that many dealers do not…
NADA | NADA Headlines

The Pandemic Isn’t Winning Back Vehicle Ownership Converts—They Never Left

For the better part of two years, NADA spent considerable time and energy combating the narrative that the arrival of Millennials and Generation Z as consumers, combined with the proliferation of app-based ride-hailing services, would soon usher in the end of personal vehicle ownership. We all know now, as NADA knew then, that this…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Suicide Prevention Day Offers Dealers an Opportunity to Enhance Business Culture

Suicide isn’t something we talk about in the automotive retail space frequently; however, given the struggles our world is facing due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is an important time to add mental health and suicide prevention to the conversation around recovery. Sept. 10 marks International Association for Suicide Prevention’s (IASP)…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NADA Market Beat: New Light-Vehicle Sales Continue to Recover

New light-vehicle sales continued to recover in August from April lows. August’s SAAR of 15.2 million units marked a 4.8% increase from July’s SAAR of 14.5 million units but is down 11% compared with August 2019. And through eight months of 2020, new light-vehicle sales were off by 20.7% compared with the same period in 2019. Raw sales…
NADA | NADA Headlines

NHTSA Launches SaferCar App to Deliver Safety Info to the Public

The United States Department of Transportation today announced the launch of a redesigned mobile app, SaferCar, by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with an emphasis on safety and convenience for the public. Available for both iOS and Android, it allows users to save their vehicles, car seats, equipment, or tires in a virtual…
ATD | Chairmans Column

Revisit All That Your ATD Membership Offers

When we, as a business community, face many unknowns and uncharted territory in front of us, there is power in going back to the basics. With just a few months left in this challenging year, I want to remind every commercial truck dealer that the heart of our business revolves around this basic principle: we are a people business…
NADA | NADA Headlines

OSHA Safe + Sound Week is Important Time to Audit Coronavirus Safety Standards at Dealerships

The coronavirus has disrupted business operations around the globe – from automakers temporarily halting manufacturing to retail stores limiting the number of customers allowed to shop at once, businesses, including dealers, have triaged their procedures to ensure the safety and health of their customers and employees while keeping their doors…
