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NADA | NADA Headlines

5 Most Cost-Effective Best Practices for Reducing Dealership Energy Use

Franchised dealerships across the country are committed to environmental protection and energy efficiency. In the spirit of this commitment, dealers are making continuous improvements to increase the energy efficiency of their facilities. To help secure recognition for dealers who are leading the pack, NADA/ATD and the Environmental Protection…
NADA | NADA Headlines

What COVID Has Taught Us About the Future of Auto Retailing

The coronavirus pandemic has taught everyone in and around the auto industry a number of important lessons. One of the biggest lessons is that the business of selling and servicing cars and trucks is absolutely essential to the safety and well-being of Americans. Our personal vehicles have proven instrumental in getting us through this…

NADA Announces Support for USMCA and Urges Swift Congressional Passage

DETROIT (Oct. 8, 2019)—Today, National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) 2019 Chairman Charlie Gilchrist announced the organization’s support for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) at the Automotive Press Association luncheon in Detroit, Mich. “Congress should pass USMCA to preserve competition in the auto industry,…
NADA | Chairmans Column

What is the True Value of Your Dealership?

Is it time to stay, hit or double down? How will you decide? Which path will be right for you, your family and your generational impact within your community? The U.S. auto-retail market is highly fragmented with more than 80% of dealerships owned by individuals or small groups. Of the 97 franchises that transacted in a buy/sell arrangement…

NADA Says Dealer-Assisted Financing Under Attack as White House Sets Sights on Auto Finance for New Consumer Agency

WASHINGTON (April 12, 2010) - With legislation to reform the nation's financial system soon to be considered by the full Senate, President Obama has indicated that he wants to overturn a provision in the House-passed bill that excludes auto dealers from a newly proposed consumer financial protection agency. Obama said in a March 15…

NADA Launches New Energy Ally Program to Help Dealerships Reduce Energy Use

NEW-CAR DEALERS MOVE TOWARD ‘GREENER’ DEALERSHIPS WASHINGTON (Jan. 31, 2013) - The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have partnered to help new-car dealers reduce their energy consumption through the Energy Star program. As part of this effort, NADA and EPA are encouraging…

Congress Highlights Need to Slow Down Dealership Closings and Layoffs

NADA ASKS CONGRESS, OBAMA, AUTOMAKERS TO REEXAMINE DEALERSHIP DECISION WASHINGTON (May 21, 2009) - In response to today's congressional oversight hearing examining the reckless and disorganized closure of thousands of neighborhood auto dealerships and tens of thousands of additional jobs which will be lost as a result, the National…
NADA, ATD | Webinar

Protecting Your Dealership Post CDK Breach

Join automotive compliance expert Adam Crowell from KPA and data security experts Jonathan Steenland and Karl Falk from BotDoc as they discuss the CDK incident and share actionable insights and best practices for preventing similar breaches in the future.
NADA | NADA Headlines

Dealership Management Training – An Investment in Future Success

New-car dealers looking to invest in the future of their dealership workforce should consider enrolling their managers in the new professional-training courses developed by the National Automobile Dealers Association. The NADA Professional Series is designed for both new and high-potential managers working in four key dealership departments—…
NADA | NADA Headlines

Mazda and Honda Execs Slated for NADA / J.D. Power AutoConference LA on Nov. 27

Masahiro Moro, president and CEO of Mazda North American Operations, and Henio Arcangeli, Jr., senior vice president of the automobile division of American Honda Motor Co., have joined the speaker lineup at AutoConference LA on Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018. Moro oversees all aspects of the company’s operations in the U.S., Mexico and Puerto Rico,…
